
Am I a candidate?

Microblading in Troy

Beautiful Brows Every Day

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Your eyebrows are one of the central features of your face. Great eyebrows are truly transformative, but not everyone has thick, shapely brows naturally. Whether you overplucked in decades past or just don’t have the natural shape or thickness you want, microblading in Troy at I AM Medical Spas and Laser Center is a perfect long-term solution for fuss-free brows every day.

Microblading is a permanent makeup technique that uses a manual hairstroke method to apply semi-permanent product to your eyebrows to give them shape, definition, and thickness. With microblading, you don’t have to worry about applying daily makeup for great looking brows, making it a convenient solution for an everyday look you love.

Microblading in Troy


What it Treats

Thin or sparse eyebrows
Poor definition or arch

Procedure Time

1 to 2 hours


Female or Male
18 & older

Recovery & Downtime

There is no downtime for microblading in Troy, but it will take some time for the pigment to naturally fade into the final results.

Why try Microblading in Troy?


Long-Term Results

Microblading lasts for many months, making it a long-term solution for beautiful brows.



Instead of taking minutes out of your day every day, microblading gives you the freedom to wake up with eyebrows you love without the hassle of applying makeup each day.


Increased Confidence

Some people may not have the confidence to leave the house without daily eyebrow makeup. With microblading, you can start your day feeling good and without worry.

Microblading Before & Afters














The Microblading Process.

What to Expect?


Before your appointment for microblading in Troy, you will have a personalized consultation with I AM Medical Spas and Laser Center. During this, we will examine your eyebrows without makeup and discuss your ideal shape, answer any questions, and make sure you are a candidate. Based on your anatomy and goals, we will help determine the best color and shape for you.

Microblading Treatment

To minimize discomfort, your I AM Medical Spas and Laser Center provider will use a topical anesthetic to numb the eyebrow area. Your microblading specialist then uses precise techniques to deliver the pigment with hair-like strokes. They will follow your treatment plan to create natural-looking results.

Next Steps

You will experience some swelling and irritation immediately after treatment. Your I AM Medical Spas and Laser Center provider will give you specific aftercare instructions.

Before your treatment for microblading in Troy, you should:

  • Do not have a tan or sunburn on your face because as either of these fades, it can fade the pigment.
  • No eyebrow waxing, plucking, or tinting 1 week before.
  • Avoid deep exfoliating treatments such as a chemical peel 1 month before.
  • Avoid products containing retinol, Retin-A, glycolic acid, and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) for at least 1 week prior to your treatment.
  • Discontinue use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatory or blood thinning medications for at least 3 days. If you are taking these medications under the direction of a physician, you should consult with them before discontinuing.
  • Tell your provider if you have been on Accutane or another product containing isotretinoin in the last year.

After your treatment for microblading in Troy, we recommend you:

  • Do not pick or rub the treated area, allow any scabbing to naturally flake off.
  • To avoid fading of the color, do not sweat for 10 days after the treatment. This includes avoiding high-intensity exercise, saunas, and other sweat-inducing environments.
  • Avoid using products that will fade your eyebrows faster on the area, like acids or retinols.
  • Apply healing ointment or balm as recommended by your PROVIDER.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does microblading hurt?

How long does microblading last?

Am I a good candidate for microblading?

Do I still need to tweeze my eyebrows after microblading?

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